Salem Sweetie wrote a letter to Fluffy!
My name is Salem Sweetie. I live with my owner, Ms. Feinman. I go to her classroom to visit her student. Who do you live with?
My fur is brown. I have one orange stripe. I eat all the time so I keep getting fatter. What do you look like?
Are you a boy or a girl? I am a boy.
I have a blue igloo in my cage that I hide in. I also like to sleep in it. I “popcorn” when I am super excited! “Popcorning” is when guinea pigs, like me, jump up and down. Do you popcorn when you are excited? Do you have an igloo?
What kind of food do you eat? I eat carrots, grapes, celery, hay, regular pellet food and chew toys.
I can’t wait to learn more about you. Can we be friends?
Salem Sweetie
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